OSINT: Understanding Your Digital Footprint 

What is OSINT?

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) refers to gathering publicly available information from online sources. It helps people understand how much personal data they leave behind and how they can monitor their own digital footprint. 

Ethical Considerations: Always perform OSINT legally and ethically. Never investigate someone without permission. 


Why Use OSINT?

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is gathering publicly available information from online sources. It helps people understand how much personal data they leave behind and how they can monitor their digital footprint. 

Ethical Considerations: Always perform OSINT legally and ethically. Never investigate someone without permission. 

OSINT Tools & How to Use Them

1. OSINT Framework


  • OSINT Framework is a collection of free tools to gather public information.  
  • The OSINT Framework is a set of free tools that help you find publicly available information. It provides resources for gathering and analyzing data from open sources so you can learn more about people, companies, websites, and other topics. 
  •  Google Search for “OSINT framework” or visit https://osintframework.com/. The first link is the official OSINT Framework. 
  • Explore OSINT Tools 
    On the site, choose a category that interests you. It will show tools you can use to find information related to that category.  
OSINT Framework
  • Ethical Consideration 
    I highly encourage using these techniques only with permission. This article’s goal is to help you perform OSINT on your own accounts, usernames, and email to understand how much of your digital footprint is out there. Always be mindful of privacy and legality when using OSINT techniques. 

2. What's My Name? – Find Social Media Accounts

However, if you’re following best security practices (which we strongly encourage), do not click on any link unless you’re sure about its authenticity. Instead, search for “What’s My Name” on Google, and you’ll find the official website link to ensure it’s safe. Or Visit the link for WhatsMyName Web: https://whatsmyname.app/ 


How to Use What’s My Name 

  1. Search by your name or email to see which social accounts are linked to you. 
  2. Enter your username(s) in the search box and select category filters if needed. 
  3. Click the search icon or press CTRL+Enter. 
  4. You can enter up to 10 usernames on separate lines for multiple searches. 

Result :  You may see like:

  • Someone created an account using your name. 
  • It’s a coincidence—someone else with the same name has an account. 
  • An old account you forgot about (if you’ve used the site before). 


3. Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) – Check Data Breaches

  • Open Google and search for “Have I Been Pwned”, or visit: https://haveibeenpwned.com/. 
  • Enter your email address in the search box. 
  • Click “pwned?” to check if your email has been part of any data breaches. 

If your email is found in a breach, update your passwords immediately and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra security.